Empowering through innovation
Discover the journey and the minds behind the MedManageSCI Toolkit A collection of adaptable documents to inform change and increase the use of evidence-based interventions. .

To create a world where every person with a spinal cord injury/dysfunction can self-manage their medication confidently and live a fuller, more independent life.

To enhance knowledge, skills, confidence, and behaviour related to medication self-management An individual’s ability to manage the symptoms, side effects, treatment, and physical and social consequences of taking medications. among people with spinal cord injury/dysfunction through an accessible and comprehensive medication self-management An individual’s ability to manage the symptoms, side effects, treatment, and physical and social consequences of taking medications. toolkit A collection of adaptable documents to inform change and increase the use of evidence-based interventions. .

Dr. Sara Guilcher
University of Toronto
Sara is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto with an interdisciplinary background in physical therapy, psychology, clinical epidemiology and applied health services/policy. Sara leads a research program within the Optimizing Health and Healthcare Experiences (OPTI-HEx) Lab, which helps people manage their health for healthier lives.

Lauren Cadel
University of Toronto
Lauren is a PhD Candidate in Pharmaceutical Sciences under the supervision of Dr. Sara Guilcher. Prior to starting her PhD, Lauren completed her Masters in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Toronto. Lauren is also a Research Associate at the Institute for Better Health at Trillium Health Partners and a trainee with the Health System Performance Network.

Dr. Rasha El-Kotob
University of Toronto
Rasha is a Research Associate at the Optimizing Health and Healthcare Experiences (OPTI-HEx) Lab, University of Toronto. Rasha completed her BSc in Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo, MSc in Rehabilitation Process of assessment, treatment and management to help a person who has suffered an illness or injury restore lost skills and improve. Science at the University of Toronto, and PhD in Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo.

Maliha Asif
University of Toronto
Maliha is a Research Assistant at the Optimizing Health and Healthcare Experiences (OPTI-HEx) Lab, University of Toronto. Maliha also works as a Registered Nurse at The Hospital for Sick Children. Maliha completed her HBSc in Biology for Health Sciences at the University of Toronto and her BScN at the University of Toronto.
Working Group
A diverse team of people with spinal cord injury/dysfunction, care partners, and healthcare providers. The Working Group An interdisciplinary group of people who cooperatively investigate solutions to a problem and suggest ways to achieve specific goals. ensured the toolkit A collection of adaptable documents to inform change and increase the use of evidence-based interventions. is relevant and user-centric. The Working Group An interdisciplinary group of people who cooperatively investigate solutions to a problem and suggest ways to achieve specific goals. provided ongoing feedback on the content and design elements through virtual focus groups (e.g., toolkit A collection of adaptable documents to inform change and increase the use of evidence-based interventions. name, tagline, and visual elements (videos, infographics, slideshows)).
Learn more about the Working Group An interdisciplinary group of people who cooperatively investigate solutions to a problem and suggest ways to achieve specific goals. below:

Age: 28
Level of injury: C5/C6
Injured: 2013

Age: 49
Level of injury: C5/C6
Injured: 2016

Age: 52
Level of injury: C6/C7
Injured: 1997

Age: 50-64
Level of injury: T9
Injured: 2008

Age: 67
Level of injury: C6/C7
Injured: 2021

Age: 58
Level of injury: High cerebral
Injured: 2017, 2018

Age: 60
Level of injury: L3 to S2
Injured: 1995

Age: 67
Level of injury: T1 and T7
Injured: 1987, 2002

Assistant Professor

Occupational Therapist


Physiotherapist and Owner of HNHB Spine and Neuro Rehab

Occupational Therapist and Case Manager

Health Educator, Registered Nurse


Family Physician

Pharmacist (in Spinal Cord Injury Rehab)
Broader Research Team
An interdisciplinary research team in social science, health science, pharmaceutical science and implementation science supported the co-development, implementation and evaluation of the toolkit A collection of adaptable documents to inform change and increase the use of evidence-based interventions. . Learn more about the team below:

Dr. Shoshana Hahn-Goldberg
OpenLab, University Health Network

Dr. Lisa McCarthy
Pharmacist and Associate Professor
University of Toronto

Dr. Stephanie Cimino
Post-Doctoral Fellow
St. Joseph’s Health Care London

Dr. Chester Ho
Professor and Spinal Cord Injury Chair
University of Alberta

Dr. Sander Hitzig
Program Research Director and Senior Scientist
St. John’s Rehab Research Program, Sunnybrook Research Institute

Dr. Tejal Patel
Clinical Associate Professor
University of Waterloo

Dr. Tanya Packer
Dalhousie University

Dr. Aisha Lofters
Family Physician
Women’s College Hospital

Our Partners
Collaborative strength
Our mission is supported by a network of dedicated partners who share our commitment to improving the lives of individuals with spinal cord injuries. Each partner brings unique expertise and resources that enhance the toolkit A collection of adaptable documents to inform change and increase the use of evidence-based interventions. ’s development, reach, and efficacy The ability of a treatment, medication, or intervention to produce a desired result in ideal or controlled conditions such as in a clinical trial. . Together, we are building a foundation for sustainable impact and change
Provides academic and research support, ensuring our content is backed by the latest scientific findings.

A key funding partner that supports our initiatives focused on spinal cord injury, helping us reach and empower a wider audience.